back in 2010 on My Due DATe...

Our friend was passionate to share her latest discovery knowing how we loved using natural products!

After 7 different attempts to share the info (Flyers, Documents, & Short Videos) Invite #7 to a live class, getting picked up by another friend.... IF I WASN'T IN LABOR!

Two main take-aways from that class: 1. dōTERRA did 3rd party testing which no essential oil company has ever done. 2. If I share with 3 people who are just as passionate about replacing their cabinets medicinal support with dōTERRA as I am, I can earn Power of 3 BONUS and get my oils to pay for themselves


Our friend was passionate to share her latest discovery knowing how we loved using natural products!

After 7 different attempts to share the info (Flyers, Documents, & Short Videos) Invite #7 to a live class, getting picked up by another friend.... IF I WASN'T IN LABOR!

Two main take-aways from that class: 1. dōTERRA did 3rd party testing which no essential oil company has ever done. 2. If I share with 3 people who are just as passionate about replacing their cabinets medicinal support with dōTERRA as I am, I can earn Power of 3 BONUS and get my oils to pay for themselves


Joey became ok to try them with this agreement:

Use the oils first, if they worked great, if not we would use our previous ways.

Cachay, being raised by a mother who was an un-official health coach, knew what it felt like to
eat LIVE food, MOVE, and support the body with nature. Now I pass on that to you, one positive step at a time.

**Watch the Video & hear our first experience using our dōTERRA Essential Oils for the first time on our 2 week old baby...

13 Years later we are still seeing the same results as when we first started using dōTERRA Essential Oils. We have expanded our cabinets with Mentally & Emotionally supportive tools. Which with how life is going these days... is ESSENTIAL!

Cachay specializes in Emotional & Mental mentoring after going through first her own awakening to the healing needed. Epigenetic's, Past Traumas, & Toxic relationships needing addressed is real.

Joey is a Certified Health Coach, specializing in the science of the Body, Food, Essential Oils, & Supplements.

2010-2012 A Hobby

I LOVE to share a good thing (Movie, Food, Board Games, Vacations, Hikes etc...)!

Not having extra funds in our spending plan to pay for my new hobby, I threw a class to see who'd show up.... And then didn't stop!

When it pays for itself it's called a HOBBY!... AND I LOVED MY NEW HOBBY!

I shared as much as I could between Homeschooling, Home birthing, Homemaking, & doing Hair. Sharing dōTERRA was the sparkly sand between the main boulders in life that brought connection, purpose, & growth I was seeking.

Then my Friend, Mentor, & Leader shared her goals, which meant I'd need to treat dōTERRA more like a business...

So I did

dōTERRA Paycheck doubled+

Mission accomplished

Content we were until...

2012-2014 The Biz

Joey attended dōTERRA Convention with me & was inspired.

He leaned over and said:

"Let's do this.

We can build to Diamond dōTERRA rank,

There's nothing different between us and them."

O.K. I said

We committed... Loving the culture of dōTERRA, the goals, the people, the product..ALL IN!


BUT .... Before I tell you what we gave up short term for long term time freedom results....Let me just throw in, I became pregnant, sick, and unable to function very well.... AND Commitment pulled us through! We didn't tell ANYONE, so that I could not use it as an excuse....5 months later we surprised everyone on our team when we arrived at the doTERRA Incentive Cruise.

5 Months Pregnant

5 Months Pregnant

doTERRA Incentive Cruise 2013

Short term gave up....

1. Laundry put away after washed

2. Old Traditions of "His" "Her" chores

3. Regularly cleaned bathrooms

4. Sleep (too fun planning & strategizing)

5. Meals... Lived on our Healthy Snacks

posted in our BLOG...

6. Date Nights (Joey pulled up movies on his phone to watch, to sit next to me & help when I asked. When kids were in bed, I could Think, Plan, & Strategized without interruptions!

7. Old beliefs around Income Potential!

Weekly Goal Of:

✴10 New samples given out

✴2-5 Follow Up calls

✴1-2 Classes taught per week

✴ 1 Business Intro Class per month

✴30 min of Personal Development

✴30 min of Spiritual Development

✴Business Training Calls 15 min per day

✴Product Training 2-5 days/week

✴Attend Team Call

*Attend Corporate events

..We use to call it the daily dozen.... but I never could figure out where the dozen fit in!



financially limiting beliefs, 6 months after committing we hit our goal of

dōTERRA Diamond.

Now, fast forward to dōTERRA's 2014 Incentive trip in January, Where Emily Wright challenged Joey & I to take our new leader from Premier Rank to Gold in one month! February...with only 28 days! With the incentive to be introduced as a BLUE DIAMOND when I present on stage Personalities building a dōTERRA Business Authentically.

Immediately going to work, scheduling classes, travel, & Biz strategies with others, I burnt out on February 21. with 7 days left to hit our goal & Over 20,000 in volume needed, I felt defeated.

This is the power of commitment....

Joey took over the full reins connecting with his contacts, In & out of the country. His energy revived me. We scheduled classes everyday all the way to February 28, 2014.

"When you have a goal you don't focus on the goal, or you may fall short. You focus on the 2 days after you hit your goal, so if you fall short you fall right into your goal."


I had a fantastic time Speaking at dōTERRA's 2014 Leadership Retreat on: Honoring Personalities To Build doTERRA Biz

How did we Accomplish Blue Diamond with 4 kids, opposition, while homeschooling, and countless other trials and struggles?


Married 8 years in 2014, going through several different career lifestyles, from both of us working, to budgeting Joey's 9-5 job, or me supplementing doing hair & sharing Essential Oils. Feeling stuck and financially limited, it was then that we took a leap to sacrifice short term, to create a long term beneficial lifestyle change.

We now plan our work around our life instead of our life around our work.


The Why..

As a homeschool Mom, I first decided I'd follow that inspiration... as long as I could put them in extra-curricular activities (hobbies, sports, etc) Learning to learn from others & their personality was important to me.


The WHY was created. I would share dōTERRA a little more in exchange for a paycheck to pay for our kids hobbies & talents.

(My oldest who at age 3 said she wanted to be a horse trainer. YIKES!!!

I thought, "how can we afford & support that dream?" 2 years later in Kindergarten her answer on What I Want To Be. When I Grown Up, woke up reality....

she answered Singer Rockstar.

I asked why?

She BOLDLY responded

"To pay for my horses, since they cost so much"

(Click to see her

Random Horse Stuff YouTube Channel)

Reality stared at me in the eyes.

I was speaking too openly about fears to afford her horse dreams.

So I COMMITTED to creating more income through doTERRA!!! Paying for my kids dreams, hobbies, & talents became the driver of my dōTERRA "Vehicle".

Now the reward is continuing to expand our influence and contribution with that WHY! The more we grow the more we can donate to give other kids a chance to achieve is our WHY! It's about supporting a positive future.

First by raising our kids to be contributors to the future, with skills to cook, clean, serve, fix, solve, that they can positively lead others to duplicate. To live in & honor their divine contribution.

Second by supporting other kids to rise up to their potential & discover their divine contribution to society.

What else is possible to expand with our WHY?

What would it feel like to take our kids on a dōTERRA Healing Hands Service Humanitarian trip to help kids in ours & other countries?

What will Joey & I create that will be of the most positive impact on the future support of kids?

And how we create:

1. To first ask a question

2. Next allow the Divine within to guide us to the solution.

Essential OIl Motto:

"Don't worry as much what oil is best.

Just Pick one or some Essential Oils and use"